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Mike Jordan Tour 2024


Entry List



Online Entry

Mike Jordan Tour - Sat 29 June 2024

Entry closes 10:00pm Mon 24 June 2024

This event will be held under the General Regulations of Motorsport UK (incorporating the provisions of the International Sporting code of the FIA) and the Supplementary Regulations.

You agree that we may wish to publish your personal data as part of the results of the event. We may pass such information to Motorsport UK, national governing body and/or the FIA or any affiliated organisation for the purpose of insurance, safety, licences or combined with other events. Results include (but are not limited to) name, age, club affiliation and competition times.

Driver Details

Driver Name*
Club & Membership No

Passenger Details

Passenger Name*
Passenger Email*
Additional Passengers

Car Details

Car Make*
Car Model*
Registration No*


Payment Method*
Driver Dietary Requirements*
Passenger Dietary Requirements*
Other Please Specify
Emergency Contact*
Emergency Phone*


Every entrant, driver and passenger before taking part in any competition must sign an undertaking, as follows: I declare that I have been given the opportunity to read the General Regulations of the Motorsport UK and, if any, the Supplementary Regulations for this event and I agree to be bound by them. I declare that I am physically and mentally fit to take part in the event and I am competent to do so. I acknowledge that I understand the nature and type of the competition and the potential risk inherent in motor sport and agree to accept that risk. Further, I understand that all persons having any connection with the promotion and/or organisation and/or conduct of the event are insured against loss or injury caused through their negligence.

If I am the Parent/Guardian/Guarantor of the driver, I understand that I shall have the right to be present during any procedure being carried out under the Supplementary Regulations issued for this event and the General Regulations of Motorsport UK. As the Parent/Guardian/Guarantor, I confirm that I have acquainted myself with the Motorsport UK General Regulations, agree to pay any appropriate charges and fees pursuant to those Regulations (to include any appendices thereto) and hereby agree to be bound by those Regulations and submit myself without reserve to the consequences resulting from those Regulations (and any subsequent alteration thereof). Further, I agree to pay as liquidated damages any fines imposed upon me to the maximum set out in Part 3, Appendix 1.

Payment - after you click Submit scroll to bottom of page for payment options

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